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Robb & Pott
CD Reviews
Once Upon the Wings
Review by Gary Hill
Here is a band that's sort of a spin off on the band Space Invaders and also Third Ear Experience.

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3rd Ear Experience
Review by Gary Hill

Interview with Robbi Robb of 3rd Ear Experience from 2017

3rd Ear Experience - 3rd Ear Experience with Dr Space - Ear to Space
Review by Gary Hill

This was a disc I was pre-determined to enjoy. I like space music, a lot.

Space Invaders - and Nik Turner – Sonic Noise Opera
Review by G. W. Hill

I’ve reviewed another album from Space Invaders in this same issue of Music Street Journal.

Space Invaders - Ayakashi
Review by G. W. Hill
There is one element of space music that is most frequently true. It evolves very slowly, shifting in gradual waves rather than turning corners.

3rd Ear Experience - Danny Frankel's 3rd Ear Experience
Review by Gary Hill
You can always count on 3rd Ear Experience for quality space rock styled music. I think this might be their strongest album, though, so that says a lot.

Space Invaders - Dreadnought
Review by G. W. Hill

This album consists of instrumental, improvised space rock.

Black Moon Circle - Flowing into the Third Dimension (vinyl LP)
Review by Gary Hill

This album is made up of two epic length pieces of instrumental space rock.

Øresund Space Collective - Hallucinations Inside the Oracle
Review by Gary Hill
I'm a big fan of this band. I like pretty much everything they do. Their brand of space rock is always improvised.

Space Invaders - Invasion on Planet Z
Review by G. W. Hill

There are four epic pieces here to make up this set.

3rd Ear Experience - Peacock Black (Vinyl Edition)
Review by Gary Hill

To some degree I really think vinyl is the proper way to hear music like this. Despite what a lot of people will tell you, vinyl has a more open and real sound to it than CD (and certainly digital files or streaming) have.

Various Artists - Poetry of the Air: A Collection of Love Letters to Music from Musicians written by Gary Hill
Review by Greg Olma
I have known Gary Hill for a while now and the one thing that I can say with complete certainty about him is that he takes his music seriously. 

3rd Ear Experience - Stoned Gold
Review by Gary Hill

One thing you can almost always say about space rock is that generally changes aren't quick within the music. That's true of this album for the most part.

3rd Ear Experience - Stones Of A Feather
Review by G. W. Hill
With this act you can always be sure that you'll get a lot of exceptional space rock. This disc is no exception.

3rd Ear Experience - Stones Of A Feather (Vinyl Edition)
Review by Gary Hill

While there are many who will argue with this assessment, vinyl and digital media do not sound the same. There is a vitality and resonance with vinyl that you just don't get with digital.

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