Ice Nine Kills - The Silver Scream Review by Gary Hill
It seemed with Halloween rapidly approaching it was time to review Ice Nine Kills. I figured I should start with this album that features songs based on movies.
Iced Earth - Horror Show Review by Mike Korn
Heavy metal has always been fascinated with monsters and horror since the days of Black Sabbath. The macabre has always been a good match with a gloomy riff or tortured scream.
Immortal - The Sons of Northern Darkness Review by Mike Korn Forget all your preconceptions when listening to this disk. Ignore the fairly cheesy look of the band, which screams "Norwegian Black Metal" in giant Gothic letters.
Impaled - Mondo Medicale Review by Mike Korn We put a lot of trust in our physicians. In the hands of these skilled healers we place our very well-being and good health, trusting in their knowledge and better instincts. But what if that faith is misplaced?
In This Moment - Blood Review by Kat Heitzman
Upon first listening to this CD, I thought, “Wow, this is all over the place.
Incantation - Blasphemy Review by Mike Korn If you were to look beneath the dark underbelly of heavy metal, you would likely see Incantation staring back at you with a toothy grin. The very antithesis of good taste and musical technicality, this long-lasting band of sinister ghouls have cast a long dark shadow over death metal for over ten years.
Infinite Spectrum - Haunter of the Dark Review by Mike Korn
The cosmic horror tales of H. P. Lovecraft have inspired innumerable musical works, as I’m sure the curator of this very website could confirm.
Infirmum - Walls of Sorrow Review by Gary Hill
I probably shouldn't like this album. I mean, one of my pet peeves of a disc is when everything is of the rocking, heavy variety, without any mellow music to provide contrast.
Iommi - Fused Review by Gary Hill Tony Iommi is probably best known as the lead guitarist of Black Sabbath. Arguably along with the other three members of that group Iommi invented heavy metal.
Iommi - Iommi Review by Gary Hill This solo release by Black Sabbath guitarist Tony Iommi has quite a bit in common with last year’s Supernatural release by Santana. In both cases you have a guitar legend, who is an almost undisputed originator of his musical genre.
Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast Review by Patrick Hennen Back in the 1980's this was the album that was constantly under fire by Religious Fanatics, Politicians and anyone in general who wanted to try to give rock music a bad name.
Iron Maiden - Iron Maiden Review by Patrick Hennen As you all are quite aware by now, I'm sure, Iron Maiden are performing alongside of Black Sabbath at Ozzfest 2005.
Iron Maiden - Edward the Great Review by Gary Hill This compilation of songs by one of the most influential metal bands in history is a bit of a mystery. According to the liner notes the band chose what material to include.
Iron Maiden - The Essential Iron Maiden Review by Mike Korn "Essential" is a tricky term to use for a compilation like this. A legendary band like Iron Maiden has a lot of songs that can be considered "essential".
Iron Maiden - Death on the Road Review by Gary Hill There seems to be a disease going around bands these days. I'm not sure what it's called, but I can tell you that the main symptom is releasing live album after live album.
Iron Maiden - Brave New World Review by Brian Angotti Iron Maiden is back and stronger than ever. With the return of Bruce Dickinson the band is launching the best CD of their careers, Brave New World.
Iron Maiden - Somewhere in Time Review by Gary Hill
I had been one of the early fans of Iron Maiden, first discovering them when they only had two albums out. By the time Somewhere in Time came out, I had sort of moved on from them.
Iron Maiden - No Prayer For The Dying Review by Greg Olma
Iron Maiden ushered in the 1990s with an album that many fans felt was lackluster and uninspired, but I disagree.
Iron Man - South of the Earth Review by Mike Korn
The term "Iron Man" will usually bring to mind either a red-and-gold armored superhero or maybe Black Sabbath’s seminal heavy metal tune.
Iron Savior - Dark Assault Review by Mike Korn
The Iron Savior has been defeated. The threat of the sentient starship has ended and the massive warcraft has departed back to deep space, leaving the two races of man...sundered so long ago by the cataclysm of dwell in peace and brotherhood.