Martina Edoff - Unity Review by Gary Hill
Although I’d consider this a metal release, it’s more inline with the mainstream, pop oriented end of that spectrum.
Electric Sister - Miss American Vampire (digital single) Review by Gary Hill
Too bad I didn't get this one sent to me earlier. It would have fit well into our October issue.
Electric Wizard - Dopethrone Review by Mike Korn
There are certain records that stand out as archetypes in their genre. Bruce Springsteen's "Born to Run" epitomizes American rock and roll.
Electric Wizard - Let Us Prey Review by Mike Korn I don't really know what to make of these doleful Englishmen, but I do know that they have created some of the most depressing, suffocating shrouds of sonic gloom that have ever been spewed forth from the hands of man. "Doom metal" is a fairly close approximation, but "psychedelic torture" or "drug drone" would be equally appropriate.
Electric Wizard - Time to Die Review by Gary Hill
I am a big fan of Electric Wizard. You pretty much know what you are going to get with this band, but each album is a little different.
Eliminator - Ancient Light Review by Gary Hill
I have not heard this British metal band before. Based on the strength of this album, I'm going to keep my eyes open for more of their music.
Engine - Engine Review by Vivian Lee Fates Warning vocalist Ray Alder decided to use the interim between albums to cut his first solo release entitled Engine. Alder had to look no further than Fates Warning's most recent touring lineup.
Engorged - Engorged Review by Mike Korn I haven't had this much fun since I put those kittens in a blender a few years back! I'd never heard of Engorged before this CD, but this bunch of West Coast sickos have put the "fun" back in death metal in a big way.
Entombed - Uprising Review by Mike Korn
Over 10 years ago, Sweden's Entombed blasted onto the underground metal scene with "Left Hand Path", an album which is still the heaviest death metal album ever released. The disc unleashed the floodgates of Swedish death metal, a subgenre unto itself.
Epitaph - Long Ago Tomorrow Review by Gary Hill
This band is a hard one to pin down in terms of style. When I reviewed a previous disc a few years ago, I landed them under progressive rock.
Europe - Live at Sweden Rock Review by Gary Hill
I reviewed the DVD of this in the last issue of Music Street Journal.
Evergrey - In Search of Truth Review by Gary Hill
The truth is out there. Everygrey's new album does have strong X Files leanings.
Evergrey - The Atlantic Review by Greg Olma
I admit that I was not an Evergrey fan from the beginning. It wasn’t until a friend lent me a copy of In Search of Truth that I finally understood why he was forever trying to get me into this band.
Evermore - Court Of The Tyrant King Review by Gary Hill
This act is a metal band from Sweden. I have seen them billed as melodic metal, but I tend to think of that style as more AOR mainstream stuff.
Every Time I Die - Hot Damn! Review by Josh Turner By my own definition, music must contain melody and rhythm. The pace flutters while different elements work in tandem.
Evil United - Honored by Fire Review by Gary Hill
Based in Texas, these guys create some seriously extreme metal. This really rocks.
Ewigkeit - Radio Ixtlan Review by Mike Korn Here's a fascinating excursion into both the inner and outer limits of music. The inner limits, because Ewigkeit is completely the creation of one man, James Fogerty, known as "Mr. Fog".
Exciter - Long Live The Loud Review by Mike Korn
The glory years of the 80s brought forth a ton of metal bands that should have gone on to huge careers but missed by inches. Savatage was one such band,
Exciter - Kill After Kill Review by Gary Hill
Here we get a newly remastered edition of 1992's Kill After Kill from Exciter. I know I refer to a lot of this as thrashy.
Exhorder - Slaughter In The Vatican / The Law Review by Gary Hill
Hardcore punk and thrash metal are clearly related. In the early days the link was even more obvious.
Exodus - Tempo of the Damned Review by Mike Korn Ancient forces of evil are stirring in the deep places of the Earth. The long slumber of the elder giants is over and now they rise once again, preparing to crush all in their path.