Rush - Ghost Rider: Travels on the Healing Road written by Neil Peart Review by Steve Alspach Neil Peart's second book, "Ghost Rider," is an extraordinary document that details an incredibly painful time in his life and the recovery process that followed. In August 1997 Neil and then-wife Jackie Taylor lost their daughter Selena in a one-car traffic accident.
Rush - Traveling Music: My Life and Times in Music written by Neil Peart Review by Steve Alspach For someone who is content to avoid the spotlight, Neil Peart picked a lousy occupation, drumming for one of the most popular bands in the world. He sure doesn't mind talking about himself, either, but unlike most, he resorts to the printed word to do so.
I have to admit that I was never one of those kids who went through a comic book phase in my early adolescence.I was always outdoors and didn’t enjoy reading until later in life.
The death of Neil Peart unfortunately put an end to Rush ever touring again.Like Led Zeppelin, you can't just replace an integral member easily, nor should the band even try.