Various Artists - The Little Black Leather Book of Rock 'N' Roll Review by Gary Hill It's only partially black, definitely not leather, but it is certainly little and undoubtedly about rock 'n' roll. This is a pocket-sized volume of quotes about all sorts of topics surrounding the musical style that started out as rock 'n' roll and later became just plain rock.
Various Artists - Using Your Art and The Media To Comfort People written by Anne Leighton Review by Gary Hill This is a little change of pace for MSJ. Normally we review books "about" music. This book however is less about music than it is a resource for musicians.
Various Artists - 108 Rock Star Guitars written by Lisa S. Johnson Review by Gary Hill
This is the quintessential coffee table book. That’s particularly true for those who love guitars.
Various Artists - The History of Irish Music written by Larry Kirwan Review by Gary Hill
When I saw the title to this book, I was expecting a dry reading experience.
Various Artists - Turn Up the Strobe: The KLF, The Jams, The Timelords a History written by Ian Shirley Review by Gary Hill
I have to admit that my previous experience with the artists documented here is very minor. I mean, as a “Doctor Who” fan, I love The Timelords hit “Doctorin’ the TARDIS.”
Various Artists - The Suite Music World of Gary Hill: Collected Articles Originally Published at Suite101 written by Gary Hill Review by Greg Olma This book is not really new material but rather a collection of Gary Hill's articles for a website called “Suite 101." Some might not like dated material, but I find these types of books enjoyable for a number of reasons.
Various Artists - Underrated Rock Book: The 200 Most Overlooked Albums 1970-2015 written by Jim Santora, Jr. Review by Gary Hill
The premise is simple: list 200 albums that are under-appreciated. When Jim Santora started the project he set some ground rules.
Various Artists - The Sound of Things to Come: An Audible History of the Science Fiction Film written by Trace Reddell Review by Gary Hill
One of the problems with doing book reviews for Music Street Journal is that the deadlines for making the issues mean that I don't have a lot of time for reading.
Various Artists - Crossover the Edge: Where Hardcore, Punk And Metal Collide written by Alexandros Anesiadis Review by Gary Hill
At quick glance, this seems like a book that has a lot of photos and perhaps not a lot of substance. Well, you can't believe your first impressions.
Various Artists - Punk Faction: BHP '91 to '95 Review by Gary Hill
If you were ever a reader of fanzines, opening up this book will be a familiar pleasure. There was always something special about fanzines that just can't be replicated on the internet.
Various Artists - Mass Movement: The Digital Years Vol. One written by Tim Cundle Review by Gary Hill
In the interest of full disclosure, there are some things I need to get out of the way before getting into this review. First, over the last year or so, I've gotten to know Tim Cundle over the internet.
Various Artists - Directions to the Outskirts of Town: Punk Rock Tour Diaries written by Welly Artcore Review by Gary Hill
At the start of this, let me just say that the book lands under "Various Artists" because it focuses on two specific tours of two different bands, but it's largely about a scene more than it is completely a music book.
Various Artists - Underrated Rock Book Too!: 200 More Overlooked Albums Written by Jim Santora, Jr. Review by Gary Hill
I remember when the first book in this series came out, it really captivated me. I actually suggested to the author that he should do another edition.
Various Artists - A Hardcore Heart: Adventures In A DIY Scene Written by David Gamage Review by Gary Hill
This is a massive book, running well over 650 pages. It's also such a cool book that it warranted one of our Music Street Journal bonus videos.
Various Artists - Punks in the WIllows Written and Illustrated by Alex CF Review by Gary Hill
This is an odd little book. It's also very cool. The message here is positive and one of unity and empowerment.
Various Artists - The Resurrection of The Crazed written by Paul Wainwright Review by Gary Hill
Do you remember the era of print fanzines? I certainly do. I collected them and even contributed to one. Well, technically I still contribute to it, but it's not print anymore, but rather online.
Various Artists - My Punk Rock Life: The Photography of Marla Watson written by Marla Watson Review by Gary Hill
The "written by" in the title to this is a little deceiving. That's because this book doesn't include all that much text.