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Stacy Gabel - Straight to Voicemail EP
Review by Gary Hill
There is something to be said for shorter releases. They allow you to get in, get out and make a statement without a lot of filler.

Tanya Gallagher - Virginia
Review by Gary Hill

This is rather folk oriented music. Some of it is very much set in a roots folk style.

Tanya Gallagher - One Hand On My Heart
Review by Gary Hill
This is an interesting set. The sound here varies quite a bit from one tune to another, but yet it all fits as one cohesive unit.

Don Gallardo - Still Here
Review by Gary Hill
More than anything else this is tied to the roots music movement. There is a lot of folk, country and other Americana here.

Peter Galperin - This Burning Sun
Review by Gary Hill
Combining elements of 80s pop music with Americana and more, this is an entertaining set. Some of the lyrics get quite topical, but it never loses its sense of fun musically.

Garbage - Garbage
Review by Gary Hill
This debut from the alternative band Garbage is a very strong effort. The disc showcases solid song writing with offbeat overtones and Shirley Manson`s wonderful vocals (which are, at times, quite haunting).

Anthony Garcia - Acres of Diamonds - Los grande exitos
Review by Gary Hill
Anthony Garcia is a very talented person, and this release is really strong. Garcia plays guitar, sings and is a classically trained pianist.

Katie Garibaldi - Follow Your Heart
Review by Gary Hill
Hailing from California, Katie Garibaldi’s voice seems more tied to the deep south..

Katie Garibaldi - Rooted Clarity
Review by Gary Hill
This new disc from Katie Garibaldi isn’t a big surprise. That said, it’s a solid set of five songs.

Katie Garibaldi - Home Sweet Christmas
Review by Gary Hill
I received this last year after our December issue had already been published. It never makes a lot of sense to me to review holiday music after Christmas, so it's been sitting and awaiting review this whole time.

Jerry Gaskill - Come Somewhere
Review by Gary Hill
What a wonderful surprise this one is! I had never been very familiar with King's X, so when I got this disc from King's X drummer Gaskill, I wasn't' sure what to expect.
Gasmilk - 2 of Us
Review by Gary Hill
Gasmilk is one guy - Brian Lee White.

Geggy Tah - Into The Oh
Review by Gary Hill
The music of Geggy Tah is quite hard to put your finger on. It is modern, alternative even, but includes solid retro leanings. The names Steely Dan and George Michael would likely pop into your head at least once while listening to this album.
Teddy Geiger - Step Ladder EP
Review by Gary Hill
Just when I'd nearly given up on looking for any talent in any artist that had been picked up by the major pop idol making machine along comes Teddy Geiger.
J. Geils Band - House Party Live in Germany
Review by Gary Hill
I remember many years ago, when I was a kid I had an old scratched up live album from the J. Geils band.

General Lee Band - Rebel by Choice
Review by Gary Hill
Imagine modern, harder edged versions of classic Southern rock songs.

Eric George - Not About Nightingales
Review by Gary Hill
This set is interesting for certain. I suppose the simplest description would be "roots music."

Georgia Satellites - Ultimate Georgia Satellites
Review by Gary Hill
I, like a lot of people, probably knew of Georgia Satellites because of two songs, "Keep Your Hands to Yourself" and "Battleship Chains."

GermsX - GermsX Presents The Bentwitch Project
Review by Gary Hill
This is a short (less than twenty minutes) set. It’s punk rock.

Giant Flying Turtles - Waltz to the World
Review by Gary Hill
The one thing that's consistent on this album is quality. These guys produce solid music from the beginning to the end.

Geoff Gibbons - Buffalo Hotel
Review by Gary Hill
This is an intriguing set. It has a real timeless, classic quality to it. The single word explanation for this would be "Americana," but there is quite  a bit of wiggle room within that label.

Geoff Gibbons - Shadow of a Stone - Songs of Remembrance
Review by Gary Hill
I have previously reviewed another set from Geoff Gibbons. Like that one, this EP lands generally under the Americana heading.

Geoff Gibbons - Keep on Driving (digital single)
Review by Gary Hill
The latest single from Geoff Gibbons, this showcases a real classic sound.
Polly Gibbons - Many Faces of Love
Review by Gary Hill
I really like the brand of jazz on display here.

Merritt Gibson - Eyes on Us
Review by Gary Hill
I've seen Merritt Gibson described as an "indie artist." That's really a non-descriptive term, though.

Dizzy Gillespie - Soul & Salvation
Review by Gary Hill
This album has been out of print for quite a while now.

Gin Blossoms - Mixed Reality
Review by Gary Hill
Fans of Gin Blossoms should really like this album. It's a solid set that is instantly recognizable as them.

Gipsy Kings - Renaissance
Review by Gary Hill
This album features world music with lyrics in various languages.

Girlschool - The School Report 1978-2008, 5CD Book Set
Review by Gary Hill
This retrospective box set from Girlschool really captures the various flavors of the band. I know I said, "box set," but it is called a book set because it comes in a cool book, rather than a gravitational box.

The Glass Child - I Must Be Gone and Live, or Stay and Die
Review by Gary Hill
The mastermind behind this work is a lady named “Charlotte Eriksson.”

Go Robot, Go - Good Vibes in Fashion Wear
Review by Gary Hill
These guys have a sound that incorporates a lot of different things.

Godhead - The Shadow Realigned
Review by Gary Hill
What we’ve got here is a set of remixes all by different producers and one new song and two covers.

Angie Goeke - If I Were Honest
Review by Gary Hill
This is an intriguing and effective release. One constant throughout is Angie Goeke's voice.

Going to the Sun - Going to the Sun
Review by Gary Hill
I like this set quite a bit. It’s a solid pop rock disc full of a variety of accessible pieces of music.

Going to the Sun - Love Letters From The Western Gate
Review by Gary Hill

I previously reviewed another set from this act. I think I like that one a bit better than this one, but I'm not positive about that.

Andrew Gold - The Fraternal Order of All: Greetings from Planet Love
Review by Gary Hill
This is an intriguing and unique album with a captivating history. It sounds like it could have been released in the heady days of the 1960s.

Emily Gold - Recluse
Review by Gary Hill
I like this set. It has a fairly wide range of musical styles from mellow and dreamy, to hard rocking and a lot in between.

Thadeus Gonzalez - Utopian Society
Review by Gary Hill
Although the general label that fits this set is probably just mainstream rock, there is a good amount of variety and range within.

The Good For Nothin' Band - Maniac World
Review by Gary Hill
There is a big roots music movement underway these days. 
Goodnight Tonight - Watch the Rain
Review by Gary Hill
I love this EP. It’s not overly original, but it just works really well.

Gordon Ellis & Steel - Looking Forward Thinking Back
Review by Gary Hill
This album was originally recorded in the early part of the 1970s. Unfortunately, by the time it was done, the label for which it was being recorded had failed.

Robert Gordon with Chris Spedding - Hellafied
Review by Gary Hill
This collection of songs is apparently made up of "lost" previously unreleased tunes.

Steven Allen Gordon - All Over the Map: Music for Solo Guitar and Solo Viola
Review by Gary Hill
I'm not sure if I'd consider this "all over the map." The vast majority of this is classical music.

Stomp Gordon - Damp Rag - The Killa Dilla From Columbus, Ohio
Review by Gary Hill
You might not have heard of Stomp Gordon before. He was a jump blues artist from Ohio, and this set from Bear Family presents his entire catalog that he recorded.

Amanda Grace - Trains, Cars and a Trip to Mars
Review by Gary Hill
This album is basically a “kid’s” album.

Amanda Grace - Please Dear Sun
Review by Gary Hill
This album is quite an intriguing one.

Grand Funk Railroad - Grand Funk
Review by Gary Hill
Another in the series of Grand Funk reissues, this one shows the band not straying too far from their home turf musically. Still, when your home turf is such a great blend of bluesy rock laced with fuzz bass and tasty guitar riffing, why not stay close to home?

Grand Funk Railroad - Live The 1971 Tour
Review by Gary Hill
Grand Funk Railroad was a band on which I, and many others cut my teeth. They were called the worst band of all time by Rolling Stone Magazine, but that didn't bother us.
Grand Funk Railroad - Live Album
Review by Gary Hill
Once upon a time if you wanted to buy a Grand Funk live disc, this was the one to get, because it was the only one. Now, however, there are others to choose from.

Grand Funk Railroad - On Time
Review by Gary Hill
With On Time Grand Funk released a mixed bag of music. With the reissue, Capitol has added a couple of bonuses to sweeten the pot.
Grand Funk Railroad - Closer To Home
Review by Gary Hill
This is definitely not Grand Funk Railroad's strongest release. That said, I can think of at least two reasons to have this disc.
Grand Old Grizzly - Grand Old Grizzly
Review by Gary Hill
This is Americana. That’s the best description.

Vince Grant - My Depression Is Always Trying To Kill Me
Review by Gary Hill
This set comes in, does its job and gets out.

Grapefruit Sound Lab - To Make You Mine (digital single)
Review by Gary Hill
The second single from this act I've reviewed for this issue, this is a complete departure from that other one. While that tune landed under prog for the art rock elements, this one is more of a club dance cut.

Grapefruit Sound Lab - Gina Volpe & Grapefruit Sound Lab - Shine (Red House Mix)
Review by Gary Hill

The idea here is that Grapefruit Sound Lab has created a remix of punk artist Gina Volpe's tune. I should mention that I'm not sure if this should go under her name or theirs.

Grapefruit Sound Lab - The Flavors of Tears (digital single)
Review by Gary Hill

I've reviewed several Grapefruit Sound Lab singles for this issue of Music Street Journal. Each has its own flavor.

Grapefruit Sound Lab - and Amuka - Love Cards (digital single)
Review by Gary Hill

I've gotten a whole series of singles from Grapefruit Sound Lab. They cover quite a bit of musical territory.

Grapefruit Sound Lab - Eight Days Across America
Review by Gary Hill
This new album from Grapefruit Sound Lab is available both as a digital release and as a vinyl LP. While I've reviewed the digital version, the songs are the same on both.

The Grateful Dead - The Reckoning
Review by Gary Hill
The Grateful Dead were always at least three different bands stylistically. There was "the rock band", "the folk band with country leanings" and "the psychedelic space rock band".
Gravity Kills - Superstarved
Review by Mike Korn
Gravity Kills emerged in the mid-90's as part of the horde of bands inspired by the success of Nine Inch Nails. That hungry mob also included acts like Stabbing Westward, Sister Machine Gun and Filter.
The Great American Robber Barons - Reno Nevada & Other Songs Of Gambling Vice & Betrayal
Review by Gary Hill
This is an intriguing album. It has some pretty magical moments and then some others that don’t work quite as well.

The Great Escape - The Great Escape
Review by Gary Hill
I can’t praise this album enough. It has a lot in common with a lot of the modern female fronted pop rock out there.

The Great Escape - Universe in Bloom
Review by Gary Hill
The mix of sounds on this set is interesting. The female vocals at once convey a retro element and a modern one.

The Great Kat - Christmas Classical
Review by Gary Hill
The Great Kat seems to always defy expectations. She certainly came to the attention of many, myself included, for her classical-leaning shred guitar playing.

The Great Socio - Find the Time
Review by Gary Hill
I don’t know how to categorize this music. I do know that it rocks.

The Green Door - Wolf in the Fold
Review by Gary Hill
There is a shared territory between punk rock, psychedelia and stoner rock. These guys live within that space.

Green Jelly - Garbage Band Kids
Review by Gary Hill
I have been a fan of this band since I first heard "Three Little Pigs" all those years ago. In those days they went by the name "Green Jello," and you can still hear them referred as such on some of these songs.

Bryson Green - Some More (digital single)
Review by Gary Hill
Bryson Green has set off on an ambitious goal for this year. He’s releasing one single every week for 52 weeks.

Gretchen’s Wheel - Fragile State
Review by Gary Hill
This is a fairly effective set, but it does tend to get a little samey at points.

Delyn Grey - Battle (digital single)
Review by Gary Hill

There is a real stigma about mental illness in general in the world. That kind of stigma is an obstacle to people seeking treatment.

Zaine Griff - Collectors Premium
Review by Gary Hill
I've not heard of this artist before, but apparently he was a big part of the Europop, new wave, new romantic movement. That sound is well tied to the 80s.

Jefferson Grizzard - Learning How to Lie
Review by Gary Hill
This is a pretty cool album. It’s got a bit of a punk rock element, but overall lands more in the territory of singer/songwriter music.

Guy Grogan - Purgatorial Hearts
Review by Gary Hill
You can't call this disc predictable. It's also not for people who like music that's fully polished.

Guy Grogan - Same Morning Light
Review by Gary Hill

I previously reviewed another set from this artist. In that review I remarked that it probably wasn't for people who like a high level of polish to their music.

Grönholm and Small - Head Funk
Review by Gary Hill
I've previously reviewed a couple discs from Grönholm. Here guitarist Mika Grönholm joins forces with singer Lee Small.

Vince Guaraldi - A Charlie Brown Christmas
Review by Gary Hill
Mention A Charlie Brown Christmas to most people, and it will elicit a response. The Peanuts gang, and that movie in particular, have touched so many people.
The Guess Who - The Best of the Guess Who (Hybrid SACD 4.0 Multichannel)
Review by Gary Hill
I’ve always loved the Guess Who.

The Guilty Lenses - Somewhat Romance, Somewhat Poetry
Review by Gary Hill
This is an intriguing alternative rock set. It's often rough around the edges.

Gun Club Cemetery - Gun Club Cemetery
Review by Gary Hill
In a lot of ways this feels like it could have been released in the early 1970s.

Noah Gundersen - Lover
Review by Gary Hill
This album has some songs that really work. I would say that as a whole it's a strong, but definitely imperfect set.

Gunhill - Nightheat / One Over the Eight
Review by Gary Hill
Gunhill was a band that featured John Lawton as the lead singer. They released two albums in the 1990s.

Andy Gunn - Bonar Bridge Sessions
Review by Gary Hill
Bluesy rock music is the concept here.

Andy Gunn - Miracle of Healing
Review by Gary Hill
This isn’t the kind of thing that’s vastly original or Earth shattering. On the other hand, it’s very effective stuff.

Guns N' Roses - The Spaghetti Incident?
Review by Gary Hill
Well before Metallica's Garage Inc., Guns and Roses did their take on their own influences. The result is The Spaghetti Incident?.

Gypsy Lumberjacks - Pulling Upon the Strap
Review by Gary Hill
This is quite a cool release.

Gypsy Lumberjacks - Giants of America
Review by Gary Hill
This is such a cool set. It has an extremely wide range of sound.

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