Adult Cinema - 365 Review by John Pierpoint
"Adult Cinema" is the nom de guerre of Mike Weston, the multi-instrumentalist and self-styled "One Man Band and Classic Rock disciple" who has already made a huge impression with previous albums This Is Your Life, Teaser Trailer and Hot & Cold.
The Carrie Armitage Quartet - The Carrie Armitage Quartet Review by Gary Hill
I previously reviewed a solo album from Armitage. I liked that one quite a bit, but this set is even stronger.
Jason Blake - featuring Raphael Weinroth-Browne - Candles Burn Review by Gary Hill
I usually mention in these reviews that Warr guitarist Jason Blake is best known for his work in Aziola Cry.
Dark Sky Alliance - Interdwell Review by Gary Hill
This is an intriguing instrumental album.
Eela Craig - A Spaceman Came Travelling Review by Gary Hill
I previously reviewed the largely forgotten debut album from this Austrian band. this three-CD set includes the rest of their catalog, with the exception of the final album.
Emerson, Lake and Powell - Complete Collection Review by Gary Hill
In 1984 Keith Emerson and Greg Lake had plans to reunite Emerson, Lake and Palmer. Carl Palmer was unavailable, though, so they recruited Cozy Powell.
Focus - Focus 12 Review by Gary Hill
Focus is an act that has quite a legacy. It seems they have been around forever.
Jane Getter Premonition - Division World Review by Gary Hill
I enjoy Jane Getter's guitar playing and her music. I previously reviewed one of her albums, and it really worked well.
Hawkwind - Stories From Time And Space Review by Gary Hill
I've been a Hawkwind fanatic for a very long time. After a while you somewhat know what to expect from the band.
Scott Henderson - Karnevel! Review by Gary Hill
If you like guitar-led fusion music, you probably know who Scott Henderson is.
Intelligent Music Project VIII - Miracles Beyond Review by Gary Hill
Here we go again with the name changing from album to album. I mean, it's somewhat cool and fitting, but it sure makes it hard for a site like Music Street Journal because all of these incarnations have to be pulled together by related article links.
Izz - Collapse the Wave Review by Gary Hill
Izz have really developed into a consistent modern prog outfit. It seems like everything they touch is magic.
Andy Jackson - AI AJ Review by Gary Hill
With all the buzz, both positive and negative, about AI, this seems timely. Jackson discovered a synthesizer function called "Natalie" that simulates a human voice.
Jethro Tull - Repeat – The Best of Jethro Tull – Vol II (vinyl record) Review by Gary Hill
This compilation album offers some things of interest for completists. For one thing, it includes some edits of longer pieces.
Living in Shadows - Neon Burning Review by Gary Hill
This is the second album from this band. I have to say that I will be looking up the first one.
Long Earth - An Ordinary Life Review by Gary Hill
This is an intriguing set of music. It is apparently the third album from Long Earth, but the first I've heard.
Marillion - An Hour Before It's Dark Review by Greg Olma
Marillion have been on a roll lately and their newest An Hour Before It's Dark is the perfect follow up to F.E.A.R. While the latter was a more somber and “glass half empty” affair, this new is a more positive and uplifting release.
Nektar - Recycled - 2024 Remaster box set Review by Gary Hill
Recycled is definitely one of the best albums Nektar ever released. Given the competition that says a lot.
Oceans of Night - Mindstorm Review by Gary Hill
I've been following and covering this band for a very long time. And, speaking of a long time, it's been ten years since their last album.
Omega - Omega & III Review by Gary Hill
This Hungarian band is generally considered to be progressive rock. I think they fall closer to psychedelia and proto-prog a lot of the time, but I won't argue with that classification, either.
Fernando Perdomo - Self Review by Gary Hill
I have reviewed quite a bit of stuff from Fernando Perdomo. He's a very busy musician, showing up on a lot of different albums.
Anthony Phillips - The Golden Hour - Private Parts And Pieces XII Review by Gary Hill
The latest in an ever-growing string of Private Parts and Pieces albums from original Genesis guitarist Anthony Phillips, this release works very well.
Renaissance - Tuscany (Expanded 3 CD Edition) Review by Gary Hill
The Renaissance album Tuscany was a return for the band.
Squackett - A Life Within a Day - Special Edition Review by Gary Hill
This new edition of the album created by the collaborative project led by Steve Hackett and Chris Squire includes a bonus Blu-Ray.
Sykofant - Sykofant Review by Gary Hill
This is a new band from Norway with their debut release. It's guitar-oriented rock that sits within the progressive rock zone.
Tu-Ner - T2 Tu-Ner for Lovers Review by Gary Hill
Following closely on the heels of their last release, Tu-Ner has unleashed another thrilling set of instrumental music on the world.
Van der Graaf Generator - Vital: Van der Graaf Live Review by Gary Hill
This 1978 live recording captures Van der Graaf Generator delivering a trademark set. There is really no other band who sound like VDGG.
John Willoughby - Something Wicked Review by Gary Hill
This is such an intriguing and effective album. You know, it would have come close to landing under the progressive rock heading just based on the music.
Yes - Talk (30th Anniversary Edition) Review by Gary Hill
With the 30th anniversary of this release. Spirit Unicorn Music has issued several versions in celebration. This review is for the single CD release.
Baker Gurvitz Army - Live 1975 Review by Gary Hill
This live album from 1975 has been expanded to include several songs from a different show the same year.
Chris Beland - The Waiting Review by Gary Hill
This is a particularly effective EP.
David Belle - The Beginning Review by Gary Hill
I don't know if I have ever heard an album that sounds more like the cover looks like it would than this one does. The brand of bluesy hard rock here just fits that cover image so well.
Deep Purple - = 1 Review by Gary Hill
Deep Purple have been putting out consistently strong stuff for a while now. This new release continues that trend.
Deep Purple - In the Beginning Review by Gary Hill
This is a strange set. For one thing, it screams "unauthorized." The opening tracks are almost certainly bootleg recordings.
Dizzy Gillespie - Soul & Salvation Review by Gary Hill
This album has been out of print for quite a while now.
Bernard Herrmann & The National Philharmonic Orchestra - Psycho Suite: The Intended Full Original Score Review by Gary Hill
If you have seen the movie "Psycho," you have heard much of this music. Bernard Herrmann wrote that score, but it was changed for use in the film.
Rob Lailan - Life Review by Gary Hill
Sometimes less is more. I think that would probably be true on this album.
Paul Lesinski - Across the Light Review by Gary Hill
This album from Paul Lesinski brings together a lot of angles and influences into a release that feels cohesive. This nearly landed under progressive rock.
Colin Roy Monette - Simple Gifts Review by Gary Hill
This album is a mostly acoustic set that has plenty of roots music at its core.
Donovan Plant - Donovan Plant and the Leafs - Night Feel Good Review by Gary Hill
There is a real classic element at play on this EP. The music fits somewhere in the same zone as Tom Petty.
Summerlyn Powers - The Hive Review by Gary Hill
This EP features an intriguing blend of sounds. There is a country element at play for certain, but many times that's strictly because of the vocals.
The Radio Hour - Tim Hort (2) Review by Gary Hill
The music here is strong. There are some songs that stand taller than others, but none land in the "weak" zone.
David Singley - Fools & Mystics Review by Gary Hill
I previously reviewed a four-song EP from David Singley. It was made up of four singles.
The Jared Stout Band - Heavy From the Sky Review by Gary Hill
This release is considered alt country, and I suppose that makes sense.
U.K. Subs - The Albums 1979-82 Review by Gary Hill
This five disc set is such a cool release. I suppose if you have the original albums, the main selling points would be the booklet and bonus tracks.
Uriah Heep - Best of the Early Years Review by Gary Hill
This set has its merits. It also has its issues. There is plenty of good music here.
Vanderwolf - The Great Bewilderment (colored vinyl) Review by Gary Hill
What an intriguing album this is. The mix of sounds is so hard to pin down. Even within one song, there are so many leanings.
Various Artists - Beware! Insects and Spiders! - 28 Buzzin' Blasters from the Vaults of Horror Review by Gary Hill
The packaging on this CD seems to try to play up the creepy, spooky side of it. That's why I saved it for review until "spooky season" was coming.
Various Artists - Music From Science Fiction Classics Review by Gary Hill
There is some great soundtrack music included in this three CD set. I have to quibble with the title, though.
Various Artists - That'll Flat Git It Vol. 46: Rockabilly & Rock 'n' Roll From The Vaults Of Chess Records Review by Gary Hill
Another in this extensive series of vintage music collections.
Tom Wavra - Back in the Day Review by Gary Hill
This is an intriguing EP. The mix of sounds is rather unique.