Primary Elements Nominated for “Best Debut Record”
Atlanta, GA, July 3, 2012— Rudyard Kipling’s poem “If” is more than just a collection of sentences that rhyme; it inspires an idea–the idea of being all you were born to be. This same idea is embodied in the lives of Socrates and Joan of Arc, expressed in the words of the aforementioned “If” and William Ernest Henley’s “Invictus” and visualized in films like “Forrest Gump” and ”The Shawshank Redemption.” The title track for Six Elements’ new EP is an arrangement of Kipling’s “If” that is also featured on their latest album Primary Elements. That album was recently nominated for “Best Debut Record” in the Progawards (
Following on the March release of Primary Elements, the “If – “ EP features two tracks from the album as individual tracks and a suite-type combination. It also includes several variants of the songs. The disc features Stanley Whitaker of Happy the Man and Oblivion Sun fame handling lead vocals. The entire project is the brainchild of Michael (Misha) Shengaout and it is focused on his passion for the concepts behind Kipling’s poem and for progressive rock music. Shengaout sees the album as a celebration of the act of realizing one’s full potential and that is a universal theme.
Of the EP, Larry Toering had this to say in an upcoming issue of Music Street Journal, “Six Elements’ album Primary Elements is a progressive rock tale inspired by Rudyard Kipling's poem. That bit of literary prowess serves both as the title track of this EP and the centerpiece of their album Primary Elements. In addition to the aforementioned song and its seeming companion ‘Summer,’ instrumental and alternate cuts are provided here. This is one interesting prog band, with traditional romantic factors of the Russian persuasion. Excellent guitars are blended with flute, clarinet and superb vocals, including Betty Seth on the duet ‘Summer.’ Both tracks are absolutely compelling, along with the alternate versions on offer. It all rounds out to a worthy product and then some. It serves as a high recommendation for the Primary Elements album, where the two initial tracks are surrounded by others.”
Here is what Toering said of the song “If - ,” “This is quite the little epic masterpiece indeed, as a piano motif sets things up and it does almost sound like Peter Gabriel himself is singing, but in such a good way. A flute melody comes in that is so familiar sounding it could be a traditional arrangement. This includes a mesmerizing solo a little further into the track. The piano chords sparring with the flute is another delightful treat here. The lyrics are well put together and comprehensive concerning the storyline. ‘And which is more / You'll be a man my son’ - brilliant!”
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