Here at Music Street Journal it can be tough to get to everything that gets sent our way. So, it can take a while for a release to get covered. Since half of every issue has to be progressive rock, that delay can be even longer for those items that don't fit that category. So, we're announcing expedited reviews. For 40 dollars you can get a guarantee that your review will be in the next issue (as long as that issue is at least two weeks away). In addition, you can forgo our usual requirement of physical review copies and send in digital. This does not buy you any kind of banner ad or other promotion at the site. Nor does it guarantee a positive review, but we don't do reviews that are more negative than positive, so we'll find one our writers who likes it - or you can request a specific writer (dependent on their scheduling it might still get passed to another writer). In other words, what this deal does for you is allow you to send a digital copy and make sure you get pushed to the front of the line for your review.