02/13/2014 - Music Street Journal needs your help and you just might win for helping us out.
Music Street Journal needs your help and you just might win for helping us out. Here’s thing, we’re up against a wall on Twitter, meaning they won’t let us follow more people until we get more followers. We don’t really like unfollowing people, but that’s the only option unless we get more followers. So, here’s the deal:
Follow us on Twitter - @MusicStreet. For every one hundred “milestone” we pass, we’ll pick one winner from our followers. That person will get a free one year membership to the site. That’s a 25 dollar value. See this video for what a membership does for you - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0mgHT84EC8. So, we’ve currently got 938 followers. When we hit 1,000 we’ll draw a winner. Then when we hit 1,100 another winner will be drawn. That’s going to be the pattern from now on. So, you can help us out and possibly win a great prize in the process.