Music Street Journal: Twenty Years of MSJ
Book Version is Now the Definitive Format of MSJ
January 29th, 2017, Rockford, IL – The new issue of Music Street Journal went live yesterday. It is the 20th Anniversary issue of Music Street Journal. It's also the first time where the print edition is considered the definitive version. It's also the first time that we have print exclusive content (in this issue it's best of 2017 lists from all who contributed to this issue). Beyond that, while it may not be the largest issue in terms of number of articles, it is the largest in terms of number of pages in the print edition (486).
During the previous year Music Street Journal published book collections of all their articles. The books through 2005 were released with all articles from a specific time period grouped in a book, while the issues from 2006 onward have been published as one book per issue. All of the books are available in hardcover and paperback. They will eventually be available at Amazon and other outlets, and for now a batch of them are already on in paperback form. All the books can be purchased at
That Lulu store also has books by Gary Hill. Hill publishes Music Street Journal and is an author of such books as "The Strange Sound of Cthulhu: Music Inspired by the Writings of H.P. Lovecraft" and "Poetry of the Air: A Collection of Love Letters from Musicians to Music."
The online edition of Music Street Journal can be found at All articles ever published at the site are available sorted by artist and issue via text links at the top of the page. Additional material (audio interviews, photo galleries and much more) is available in the members area for as little as 6 dollars. A "click to register" link on the main page of the site reveals membership options.
Also, in honor of the anniversary you can now get clothing, drink-ware and much more with MSJ Logos and other cool things printed on them. Go to You'll not only find MSJ products there, but also "Strange Sound of Cthulhu," "Poetry of the Air" and "Strange Realities" products and some products with Gary Hill's photography on it.